DR KC Supporters protest outside baluwater

            DR KC Supporters protest outside baluwater

Govinda K.C. initially studied at the Institute of Medicine to be a Health Assistant (H.A.), which is the equivalent of a Physician Assistant in the USA. He had been unaware that this was a step in potentially becoming a doctor[5] but on completing his H.A. he won a Ministry of Education scholarship to study for a M.B.B.S. in Bangladesh at Rajshahi Medical College.[5] After graduation, he returned to Nepal and served in Bir Hospital. He then received further study (M.S.) in Bangladesh at Dhaka University to become an orthopedic surgeon.[5] Although he wanted to serve in a tertiary hospital and there was a shortage of orthopedists in Kathmandu, plans were made to transfer him to a rural hospital where there would be no facilities to practice orthopedics.[5] He resigned from Bir Hospital and joined the Institute of Medicine as a volunteer in 1994.Beginning as a volunteer, he has eventually become a professor specializing in child orthopedics. He spends all of his time in the government hospital and, except for a year to help a friend, has never had private practice. He serves the poor people who throng his clinics, getting as many as possible to the free academic beds which are allocated to each Professor and Unit Chief.K.C. has preferred to use his salary to provide services in remote areas in Nepal, and has also traveled internationally in response to natural calamities.[8] He has not taken funds from any non-governmental organization (NGO) or international NGO to provide these services. Apart from the earthquake in Nepal, he has financed his own way on these Nepalese and international humanitarian services.TUTH offers K.C. a few weeks of vacation every year. He goes to the most rural clinics of Nepal, far from public transportation, often traveling there on foot. He trains health workers in rural Nepal to identify orthopedic emergencies, to provide emergency treatment and if necessary provide timely referrals.[10] He organizes health camps in remote places. He gives medications to these people and makes necessary arrangements to give free medical treatment when they come for further treatment in Kathmandu. He has faced allegations of being a spy or an insurgent when he worked during the Maoists' insurgency. The rural districts of Nepal had an outbreak of cholera some years ago. Many doctors refused to go there, even if paid. K.C. carried medicine on his back to provide humanitarian aid.K.C. has traveled extensively to assist victims of natural disasters. In 2001, he spent three weeks in the Bhuj region in Gujarat, India after the earthquake. In 2005, he served in Northwest Pakistan for around 20 days after a disastrous earthquake. After a cyclone in Myanmar in 2008, the government of Myanmar prevented foreign aid agencies from entering the country, but admitted him for two weeks. In 2010, he went to Haiti in the wake of the disastrous earthquake and served for three weeks. In 2011, he served flood victims in Pakistan for two weeks. In 2013, he went to the Philippines to treat people affected by the tsunami.


About Kalevai

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