A minister is a politician who holds significant public office in a national or regional government, making and implementing decisions on policies in conjunction with the other ministers. Some ministers are more senior than others, and are usually members of the government's cabinet. In some countries the head of government is designated the "prime minister". A government minister with responsibility for religion, such as the Israeli Minister of Religious Services, may be a layperson or cleric but the title should not be confused with the religious position of "Minister (Christianity)" or the activity of Christian ministry.In some parliamentary and semi-presidential systems of government, ministers are selected from the legislature (United Kingdom, Australia), while in others with strict separation of powers, ministers cannot be members of the legislature (Belgium, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, United States); a legislator chosen to become a cabinet minister resigns from the legislature. Normally the leader of the majority party becomes the prime minister and selects the other ministers. In the Westminster system, these ministers continue to represent their constituency in parliament while being part of the government. Often, a person from the outside may be appointed minister, usually in order to bring special skills to the government. Such a person would not have to be part of the parliament while serving as minister, nor would he/she necessarily be a member of the party/parties in government.In some presidential systems of government (Mexico, Philippines, United States), ministers are formally titled secretaries because the term minister was considered to carry royalist connotations considered inappropriate in a republic.
In the Government of Australia, the minister and parliamentary secretary are responsible for the protection and conservation of the environment; to ensure that Australia benefits from meteorological and related sciences and services; and to see that Australia's interests in Antarctica are advanced. The minister provides direction and oversight of the Department of the Environment (previously the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities) to develop and implement national policy, programs and legislation to protect and conserve Australia's environment and heritage.
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