Speaking in parliament the doctor gave the nepali congress

     Speaking in parliament the doctor gave the nepali congress

Nepali Congress led the 1950 Democratic Movement which successfully ended the Rana dynasty and allowed commoners to take part in the politics. It again led democratic movements in 1990 and 2006, in partnership with leftist forces, to end absolute monarchy and reinstate parliamentary democracy. With the 12-point agreement of November 21, 2006 it worked together with the CPN-UML and the CPN-Maoist to end King Gyanendra's takeover of the government. The ensuing 2006 movement successfully reinstated the parliament and led to the formation of the Federal Republic of Nepal. Nepali Congress promulgated the Federal Republic Constitution of Nepal-2072 by its leading role in Constitution Assembly as a first majority party.The Nepali Congress is a reform-oriented centrist party. The current Nepali Congress Party was formed after the merger of Nepali National Congress (established on January 25, 1947) and Nepal Democratic Congress (established on August 4, 1948). In the first democratic election of Nepal, Nepali Congress Party secured an overwhelming majority to form the government. Following the royal coup by King Mahendra in 1960, many leaders of party, including Prime Minister B.P. Koirala and General Secretary Hora Prasad Joshi, were imprisoned. Thus, many other party leaders sought sanctuary in exile in India to set up operations against the new system.Although political parties were prohibited from 1960 to 1989 and continued to be outlawed during the panchayat system under the aegis of the Associations and Organizations (Control) Act of 1963, the Nepali Congress Party persisted. The party placed great emphasis on eliminating the feudal economy and building a basis for socioeconomic development. It proposed nationalizing basic industries and instituting progressive taxes on land, urban housing, salaries, profits and foreign investments. While in exile, the Nepali Congress Party served as the nucleus around which other opposition groups clustered and even instigated popular uprisings in the Hill and Terai regions. During this time, the Nepali Congress refused the overtures of a radical faction of the Communist Party of Nepal for a tactical alliance.


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